Panasonic Seekit Edge Smart Tracker

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  • Regular price Rs. 1,999.00
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  • Attach Panasonic Seekit to your valuable belongings and find them fast. Tap the Buzz button on the Seekit app to make the Seekit ring & glow
  • Separation Indicator: Get an alert on your smartphone as soon as your valuable disconnects
  • Last Seen Location: If you miss Separation Indicator, check where you left your valuables last on your Seekit smartphone application on a map
  • Proximity Guidance: Once you're around the lost item, the Seekit app will guide you to your valuable too, with Proximity Guidance
  • Bi-directional Tracking: Tap the “Buzz” button on the Seekit app to make the Seekit ring. It has an LED too, so don’t worry about dark rooms and corners. You can also ring your phone by double pressing the Seekit button, even when it's on silent
  • If you forget you Smartphone, Panasonic Seekit will buzz to remind you to go get it back
  • SOS Alert: If you sense a threat, you can send an SOS alert* along with your GPS location to 3 of your near and dear ones, by just pressing the Seekit button thrice. (* SOS Message delivery dependent on Operator’s Network Availability)
  • Product weight: 7.7 grams

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